Meaning Subjective camera
What does Subjective camera mean? Here you find 3 meanings of the word Subjective camera. You can also add a definition of Subjective camera yourself


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Subjective camera

The camera is used in such a way as to suggest the point of view of a particular character. High- or low-angle shots indicate where she or he is looking froma panoramic or panning shot suggests she or [..]


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Subjective camera

A camera shot or film style that provides the audience with the specific vision or perspective of a character in the film (i.e. the technique of using POV).


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Subjective camera

Shots simulating what a character actually sees; audience, character, and camera all "see" the same thing. Much subjective camera involves distortion, indicating abnormal mental states. Shots suggesting how a viewer should respond are also called "subjective" (for example, a high-angle shot used to make a boy loo [..]
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